Conduct Disorder
Conduct disorder refers to a bunch of emotional, behavioural, and other issues that often start from the childhood or teenage. Children or teenagers with this disorder face difficulty in following the rules and acceptable social norms.
They often get into destructive behaviours, aggression, etc., and others often label them the tag of delinquents, bad, or someone with a mental issue. They often display antisocial behaviours.


Psychotherapy and counselling
Family therapy
Medications for other co-morbidities.
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Group therapy

How are you feeling today ?
You can ask these questions to yourself and if you say “Yes” to most of these, you should seek the expertise of a medical and mental health professional and navigate through your symptoms and concerns with medications, psychotherapy and counselling.
Do you think your child/teen is lying to others and you?
Do you feel your child deliberately hurts other people or animals?
Does your child often skip school?
Does your child deliberately not follow rules and socially acceptable behaviours?
Does your child carry weapons?
Do you think your child is a threat to other kids?
Does your child indulge in sexual activities at a very young age?
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