Impulse Control Disorder
Impulse control disorder refers to a mental disorder that is characterized by an inability to control one’s sudden urges that might often clash with the best interest of other people and also conflict with the social norms.
The impulsive actions or behaviours are quite frequent in people with this disorder and happens without any consideration of the consequences of their behaviours.
Examples are kleptomania, pyromania, etc.
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Family therapy
Dialectical behavioural therapy
Group therapy
How are you feeling today ?
You can ask these questions to yourself and if you say “Yes” to most of these, you should seek the expertise of a medical and mental health professional and navigate through your symptoms and concerns with medications, psychotherapy and counselling.
Are there frequent episodes of stealing?
Are there frequent episodes of starting fires around the house?
Are there issues with aggressive and volatile behaviours?
Do you notice a problem with concentration and focus?
Is there a sense of loneliness and social withdrawal?
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