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Workshop For College

Workshop For College

College is the threshold of life! It is the time to encourage and recognise self-leadership. The Crescent Moon College Workshops are designed to allow individual and team-based goals to help students and the faculty stay motivated and productive. Our bespoke workshops help plan projects, brainstorm ideas, and create action plans in the space of mental-health and well-being. Our mentors allow people to plan for themselves to create purpose driven goals to strive towards, both individually and in teams

Sessions Offered

Emotional Intelligence Workshops

Anti Depression Workshops

Workshops On Coming Out Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders

Growing Beyond Survival - Suicide Prevention Workshops

Stress And Anger Management Workshops

Creative Writing Workshops

Public Dealing Workshops

Interview Etiquettes Workshops

Managerial Communication Workshops

Art of storytelling

How To Make Impactful Presentations

Workshop On Mental Resilience And Team Building

Workshop on Being a Better Role Model

Workshop On Positive Thinking And Breaking Habits

Goal Setting Workshops

Workshop On Effective Leadership And Confidence Building

Change Management Workshops

NLP Complete Master Practitioner Program

Coming Out Of Broken Relationships

Stop Letting Procrastination Win

Success Skills Workshop For College Students

Confident Public Speaking Workshops For Students

Wisdom Leadership + Teamwork Workshops For Students

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