Existential Therapy
Existential Therapy utilizes a positive perspective to view human abilities while also accepting limitations and working through them. It is similar to humanistic psychology and uses a philosophical perspective to view the difficulties of life.
Kierkegaard and Nietzsche are the philosophers that are often associated with Existential Therapy but Rank was one of the pioneering Existential Therapy practitioners who actively worked in this specific modality. It was May who spread the ideology of Existential Therapy and Yalom also wrote about it.It mainly works towards helping the person embrace themselves and focus on the future possibilities rather than ruminating about the past. It helps people to find their purpose in life and encourages them to use their abilities to maximize their potential and reason for being alive. It works on helping one use one's creative skills and decisions to find meaning in life.
It can be helpful with various issues:
- Resentment
Anger Issues