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Cord Cutting

800 + GST
55 Minute Session
English   |    Hindi
Cord Cutting

Cord Cutting is a tool to remove, dissolve and subsequently heal the emotional, energetic energy that has gotten attached to you. It is a common practice in both, the spiritual and secular context. It helps recover lost energy and re-establish healthy energetic boundaries by its healing technique that free us from relational patterns that squander our mental energy.  As we move through our lives - growing, learning, evolving, we must let go of what no longer serves us. Because when we let go, we create space; space of potential and of possibility. Cutting energy cords doesn’t apply only to past relationships for we can choose to cut cords in our present relationships, as a way of continually cleansing the energy between us and creating space for new.

Consider Cord Cutting Therapy if you are experiencing:

Low Energy Levels
Depression, Unexplained Sadness
Obsessive Thoughts / Speaking often about another person (in a judgmental or deprecating way)
Lowered immunity
Addiction (Food/Drugs/Exercising and/or allied)

Vedic Psychology Experts

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