Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder refers to the mental health disorder that is characterized by obsessions, compulsion and also both of them. People with OCD are preoccupied with recurrent thoughts that create an urge to exhibit specific behaviours to relieve the turmoil created by the obsessive and unwanted thoughts. The ritualistic behaviour exhibited by a people with OCD disrupts their day-to-day life but they do it to get rid of the distress being caused by the obsessive thoughts.
A person with OCD can have obsessions, compulsion or even both.

The symptoms can look different for everyone but it is crucial to understand the common symptoms associated with depression. The symptoms must be experienced for at least two weeks and affecting your functioning for you to be diagnosed with depression.

Exposure therapy
Mindfulness based cognitive therapy

How are you feeling today ?
You can ask these questions to yourself and if you say “Yes” to most of these, you should seek the expertise of a mental health professional and navigate through your symptoms with psychotherapy and medications.
Do you have intrusive thoughts that affect your daily life?
Do you spend a lot of time carrying out compulsive behaviours?
Do your thoughts or behaviours often make it difficult to attend school, work, or other things?
Do you have a fear of touching things that were touched by others?
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