Anxiety can be described as a feeling of restlessness, fear, and apprehension related to what is going to happen. It is actually our body’s natural way to responding to stress. It is usually characterized by uneasiness, tension in the muscles, increased heart rate and also a shortness of breath. Even though anxiety is our body’s natural response to stress, but if your anxiety is lasting for longer periods, getting extreme, and disrupting your life, you should consider seeking professional help to work through your anxiety.

The symptoms can look different for everyone but it is crucial to understand the common symptoms associated with depression. The symptoms must be experienced for at least two weeks and affecting your functioning for you to be diagnosed with depression.

Mindfulness based cognitive therapy
Art Therapy
Exposure therapy

How are you feeling today ?
You can ask these questions to yourself and if you say “Yes” to most of these, you should seek the expertise of a mental health professional and navigate through your anxiety with psychotherapy and medication, if needed.
Do you spend most of your time in worrying about things?
Do you struggle with your sleep?
Are you not able to concentrate on your daily activities?
Are you not able to just sit back and relax?
Do you think your thoughts are often unpleasant in nature?
Our Experts