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55 Minute Session
800 + GST

General Stress

Stress can be defined as a feeling of physical or emotional tension or burden. Stress can be caused by anything in your life, your work, your studies, family, friends, relationships, challenges, etc.

Stress is how our body reacts to a situation and triggers the human fight or flight response which prepares the human body to either fight in the situation or escape.

When we talk about stress, we usually refer to the negative connotation of stress which means we usually talk about stress that is bad, affects our physical health, mental health, and also creates other issues.

Stress does not always have to bad for us. It also helps us to survive, it helps us finish our work, avoid a negative experience, etc.

Improvement and Personality upgrade

If you are someone who wants to work towards self-improvement and personality upgrade, then you should consider trying out seeking therapy, reading a bunch of self-help books, and various other things but let us understand how can psychotherapy and counselling be a good option for you.

You can try therapy to help you explore yourself and get to know yourself better as therapy provides you a safe and non-judgmental space held by the counselling psychologist or psychotherapist.





Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

Narrative therapy

Existential therapy

Positive Psychotherapy

Client-centred therapy

Dialectical Behavioural therapy

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

Gestalt therapy


How are you feeling today ?

You can ask these questions to yourself and if you say “Yes” to most of these, you should seek the expertise of a mental health professional and navigate through your concerns with psychotherapy and counselling.


Do you feel you are not able to become the best version of yourself?


Do you think you need a safe space to explore your true potential?


Do you think you are often stuck in negative thought patterns?


Do you think you are unable to manage all the things in your life?


Do you feel there is a lack of self-esteem and confidence in you?

 Our Experts

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