Panic Attacks
Panic attacks refers to those sudden and abrupt feelings of extreme levels of anxiety and fear that causes a faster heartbeat, hyperventilation, sweating, etc.
Panic attacks are very common and all of us can have a panic attack at some point of our life but if it is becoming frequent, intense, and affects your life at a larger level, you should seek help as it can lead to panic disorder, a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by frequent episodes of panic attacks.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Group therapy
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy
Client-centred therapy

How are you feeling today ?
You can ask these questions to yourself and if you say “Yes” to most of these, you should seek the expertise of a mental health professional and navigate through your symptoms and concerns with medications, psychotherapy and counselling.
Do you have these sudden feelings of panic?
Do you feel you are losing control during the episode?
Do you start feeling short of breath during the episode?
Do you feel your heart beating rapidly during the attack?
Do you feel you will die during the panic attack?
Do you feel dizzy and lightheaded?
Our Experts