Humans are social creatures and the need for social connectedness is primitive to us. We often face difficulties in creating these social connections and face the issue of loneliness.

Symptoms of loneliness

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Narrative Therapy
Animal-assisted therapy
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Group therapy

How are you feeling today ?
You can ask these questions to yourself and if you say “Yes” to most of these, you should seek the expertise of a mental health professional and navigate through your symptoms and concerns with psychotherapy and counselling.
Do you often feel that you are not able to connect with others on a deeper level?
Do you feel that you don’t really have close or best friends and only have acquaintances?
Do you feel when you try to engage socially and it is not reciprocated in the way you would like?
Do you often indulge in alcohol and drugs to numb the emotional pain due to loneliness?
Do you feel you are not able to make friends because you are not enough?
Do you feel your loneliness is affecting your work, studies, and existing relationships?
Our Experts